Mexican banks' SWIFT / BIC codes

Please choose your bank from the list below and click to find all the SWIFT BIC codes groupped by branch name or location. SWIFT code is an ISO-approved standard format of Business Identifier Codes, a unique identification code for both financial institutions.

ScotiaBank Inverlat SWIFT Codes

List of ScotiaBank Inverlat SWIFT / BIC codes in Mexico, Guadalajara, Monterrey and Puebla.

Santander Bank SWIFT Codes

Full list of Santander Bank Mexico branches SWIFT / BIC codes by state / city.

Banco Nacional de Mexico SWIFT Codes

List of National Bank of Mexico offices/departments SWIFT codes by location.

Mexican Banks SWIFT Codes

Detailed list of other Mexican banks SWIFT codes by state / city / department.

BBVA Bancomer SWIFT Codes

Complete list of BBVA Bancomer Bank SWIFT codes in Mexico by branch or department.

HSBC Bank SWIFT Codes in Mexico

List of HSBC Bank departments’ SWIFT codes in Mexico.