Ixe Banco Branches in Leon, Mexico

Full list of Ixe Banco offices in Leon, Mexico with location address info and contact details.

Enter branch name, state, city or address to find bank locations:

Antares Branch
Address: Adolfo Lopez Mateos No.2504, casi esq. Mariano Escobedo, Col. Jardínes del Jeréz I, C.P. 37530, León, Guanajuato.
Tel.: (477) 711 2004

Galerías León Branch
Address: Blvd. Adolfo López Mateos No. 1702 esq. Vasco de Quiroga,Col. La Martinica Leon de los Aldama, Guanajuato C.P. 37500
Tel.: (477) 763 0072, (477) 764 1760, (477) 764 1764, (477) 764 1769

Plaza Las Palmas Branch
Address: Paseo del Moral, S/N esquina con Juan Alonso de Torres Col. Villas de Juncal, C.P. 37180, León, Gto.
Tel.: (477) 718 3468

Plaza Mayor Branch
Address: Av. Juan Alonso de Torres No. 2002, Local 68, Col. Valle del Campestre, C.P. 37150, León, Guanajuato
Tel.: (477) 717 0525

Note: This list of Ixe Banco Branches in Leon, Mexico locations is for informational use only. All addresses, contacts, SWIFT codes and other data are gathered from open sources and re-checking regularly. If you see any inaccuracy here, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Ixe Banco

IXE Banco is a Mexican retail bank, providing services mainly for high-income individuals, and offering a range of customized products targeted to the corporate market.