BanBajio Bank Branches and ATMs in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

The list of BanBajio Bank offices and ATMs in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with location address info and contact details.

Enter branch name, state, city or address to find bank locations:

Branch Puerto Vallarta
Shopping Center Plaza Península
Local L-C27, C28 y C29
Blvd. Francisco Medina Ascencio # 2485 CP 48333
Zona Hotelera Norte
Tel.: (322) 221-23-54
Puerto Vallarta, Jal.
Opening hours: from 9:00 to 17:00 – monday to friday

ATM Hotel Canto del Sol
Jose Clemente Orozco No. 125
Zona Hotelera Norte
CP 48333
Puerto Vallarta, Jal.

ATM Gutiérrez Rizo
Constitución No. 136
Col. Emiliano Zapata, Zip code: 48380

Note: This list of BanBajio Bank Branches and ATMs in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico locations is for informational use only. All addresses, contacts, SWIFT codes and other data are gathered from open sources and re-checking regularly. If you see any inaccuracy here, please do not hesitate to contact us.


BanBajio (or Banco del Bajio) is one of the major banks in Mexico (ranked 8th by customers deposits and provided lending services).