Inbursa Bank Branches in Chihuahua, Mexico

Full list of Inbursa bank offices in Chihuahua, Mexico with location address info and contact details.

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Chihuahua Branch
Address: Lateral Ortiz Mena No. 200-2, Col. San Felipe Viejo C.P 33130 Chihuahua, Chihuahua
Tel.: 4136034;4173148; 4266347
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 08:30 – 17:30

Chihuahua Plaza del Sol Branch
Address: Calle Periférico de la Juventud No. 3501 Local U14 Col. Frac. de Hierro C.P. 31207 Chihuahua, Chihuahua
Tel.: 4303575
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 08:30 a 17:30 Sábado 09:00 – 15:00

Cd. Juárez Branch
Address: Blvd. Gómez Morín No. 7384 Col. Fuentes del Valle C.P. 32500 Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua
Tel.: 6187155;6187411; 6187283; 6187667; 6187364; 6187620; 6187539; 6179302
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 08:30 – 17:30

Note: This list of Inbursa Bank Branches in Chihuahua, Mexico locations is for informational use only. All addresses, contacts, SWIFT codes and other data are gathered from open sources and re-checking regularly. If you see any inaccuracy here, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Inbursa Financial Group is a holding company that operates through its subsidiaries, providing banking and related financial services in Mexico.